I am Charmie



Leap Motion SDK on Linux

See the REAEME file. sudo dpkg --install Leap-*-x64.deb sudo cp ./LeapSDK/lib/x64/* /usr/lib/ sudo cp ./LeapSDK/include/* /usr/include/ For anaconda, sudo cp ./LeapSDK/lib/x64/* ANACONDA_ROOT_DIR/lib/python2.7/site-packages/

spyder crashes with pyqt

spyder installed in my Windows 10 PC failed to boot after update conda --all. The error cause is a kind of conflict between pyqt and pyside. A solution I found on the web is here and it worked on my case. The solution is re-install pyqt ve…

Anaconda: pydicom 1.0.0a on Windows 10

To install pydicom 1.0.0a to Anaconda on Windows 10, we should build the package by ourselves. git clone https://github.com/darcymason/pydicom.git cd pydicom python setup.py install Install with conda cloud installs the version 0.9.9. The …

OpenCV 3.1.0 for Python2.7

PYTHON2_EXECUTABLE: /opt/anaconda/anaconda2/bin/python2.7 PYTHON2_INCLUDE_DIR: /opt/anaconda/anaconda2/include PYTHON2_INCLUDE_DIR2: PYTHON2_LIBRARY: /opt/anaconda/anaconda2/lib/libpython2.7.so PYTHON2_LIBRARY_DEBUG: PYTHON2_NUMPY_INCLUDE…

install Python package gurobi on Ubuntu 16.04

gurobi is a commercial optimization solver for a variety of problems such as linear programming, quadratic programming, etc. With Anaconda, you can install gurobi by two lines of commands and registering your license at the license center.…

install Anaconda for all users on Ubuntu 14.04

Change the install location from default directory to another directory where all users can access. In my case, : default install directory: /home/oyamada/anaconda2 customized install directory: /opt/anaconda/anaconda2 Add the customized i…

Keras deep learning library installation on Ubuntu 14.04

[code lang="bash"] conda update conda conda update anaconda conda update --all conda install mingw libpython pip install --upgrade --no-deps theano pip install keras [/code]

Keras deep learning library installation on Windows

Keras, which works with either TensorFlow or Theano, is a library for using deep learning in Python. [code lang="bash"] step 1 prepare for the installation conda update conda conda update anaconda conda update --all conda install mingw lib…

highgui related issues of OpenCV-Python on Ubuntu 14.04

OpenCV-Python always crashed when I used highgui related functions. With Spyder, we can see only kernel crash, so I had no idea what happened. When I ran a problem from terminal, I got an error message that This application failed to start…

OpenCV 3.1.0 for Python: installation on Windows

OpenCV 3.1.0をPython 2.7から使うためのインストール手順 OpenCVのインストールはめんどくさいのでプレビルトライブラリを使う.opencv_contribの便利機能を使いたい場合は自前でコンパイルする必要がある. 前提条件: Anacondaを使ってPython2.7がインスト…

Install Theano on Windows

[code lang="bash"] Install MinGW compiler conda install mingw libpython Install Theano pip install theano [/code]

install Chainer on Windows

install Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 from here install Chainer by pip install chainer

install networkx on ubuntu using anaonca

[code lang="bash"] conda install networkx conda install pydot-ng conda install graphviz [/code]

install pygtk on Windows

download gtk+ package, uncompress the package, and set bin directory of the package to the system path. download pycairo_gtk-1.10.0-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl, pygtk-2.22.0-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl, and pygobject-2.28.6-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl…

enable anaconda search on Windows

[code lang="bash"] conda install anaconda-client [/code]

PyGTK installation using Anaconda

Using anaconda search, anaconda search -t conda pygtk, there are several packages: jochym/pygtk for linux-64 mike/pygtk-aio for win-32 mw/pygtk2 for linux-64, linux-32, osx-64 ska/pygtk for linux-64 vgauthier/pygtk for osx-64 I've tried sk…

Python: install scikit-tensor

scikit-tensor package [code lang="bash"] pip install scikit-tensor [/code]

TensorFlow installation using Anaconda on Ubuntu

TensorFlow, python package of deep learning, is installable via Anaconda. See the stackoverflow discussion. [code lang="bash"] conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/jjhelmus tensorflow [/code]

PyOpenGL installation using Anaconda

For Windows 32bit or other OS conda install pyopengl For WIndows 64bit The above command does not install some dll files to execute glut related function. So, a solution is (1) to copy necessary dll files to one of bin directory such as C:…

PyGame installation using Anaconda

[code lang="bash"] Search the packages by executing the following command. binstar search -t conda pygame For Linux 64bit conda install -c https://conda.binstar.org/tlatorre pygame For Windows 64bit conda install -c https://conda.binstar.o…

Python 2.7 + OpenCV 3.0.0: installation on Windows

English notes is below the Japanese one. OpenCV 3.0.0をPython 2.7から使うためのインストール手順 Pythonのインストール Python-OpenCVを動かすには,Python本体に加えて少なくともNumPy, MatPlotLibのインストールが必要. 1.1. Anacondaのインストール…

Python installation on Ubuntu 14.04

The goal is to use Python with OpenCV under Ubuntu 14.04. The first step is to install Python and its packages. I installed a Python package manager Anaconda. [code lang="bash"] wget https://3230d63b5fc54e62148e-c95ac804525aac4b6dba79b00b3…

Install Anaconda on Ubuntu

Anaconda is a kind of python related packages installer. Using Anaconda, NumPy, SciPy, MatPlotLib, iPython, etc are installed by using a single script file on Linux (must be similar on Windows and Mac). # for 64-bit version Linux wget http…