I am Charmie



Bouguet's MatLab Camera Calibration Toolbox

I wrote the detail of implementation of MatLab Camera Calibration Toolbox, which was published by Bouguet for my students. You can check the notes for single camera calibration and stereo camera calibration

some notes on theory in computer vision

I put links to notes on theories in computer vision on my website. You can use them free for education and research purpose. It'd be great if you acknowledged me with small description when you use these materials.

Install ImageMagick on Ubuntu from source

Simple steps. Download a package. Extract the package tar xvfz ImageMagick.tar.gz Go into the directory containing the files cd ImageMagick-6.X.X-X Configure ./configure Build make Install sud make install

Single camera calibration based on random dots marker tracking algorithm

I've uploaded video on youtube about our calibration method. For the detail of the method, you can visit here. [youtube=http://youtu.be/s1FxwtmpGHg]


If you want to know the Anmeldung information in English, please contact me!! ミュンヘン(ドイツ)でのAnmeldung(居住地登録)について書こうと思う.ドイツは州か都市毎にAnmeldungの書類書式が違うそう.なので,他の都市でAnmeldungを提出する人はあく…

LaTeX: column size in matrices

LaTeX default setting allows any matrices to have up to 10 columns. The following command can change the column size as you want. \setcounter{MaxMatrixCols}{20}

Visual Studio 2010: highlighting a variable

Go Tool -> Extension Manager -> Online Gallery Select "Highlight all occurrences of selected word" and install it. Result is as follows:

Maple: for deriving objective function and jacobian function

We can generate C code of an objective function by using Maple as with(linalg); F := ...; Ffunc := unapply(convert(convert(F, vector), list), PARAMETERS); CodeGeneration[C](Ffunc, optimize); I tried the following equation $latex \frac{p_0}…

Levenberg Marquardt algorithm in C++

For start-up projects, I need a non-linear optimization C++ library, especially Levenberg Marquardt algorithm. I found two candidates: levmar and Eigen::LevenbergMarquardt. In terms of examples, levmar provides good examples homest while E…

CMake + Visual Studio on command line

If you compile source code on command prompt with CMake and Visual Studio, you should specify some options as follows: cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" . nmake -G option specifies a makefile generator.

Eigen: random value

Same as a function rand(), functions Random() and setRandom() always generate same random values. Same as rand(), we can change seed of the random values by calling srand(). srand( (unsigned)time(NULL) ); // you need to include ctime or ti…

function dlevmar_der() of levmar

int dlevmar_der( void (func)(double p, double x, int m, int n, void adata), void (jacf)(double p, double j, int m, int n, void adata), double p, double x, int m, int n, int itmax, double opts[4], double info[LM_INFO_SZ], double work, doubl…

levmar 2.6 with Visual Studio 2010

memo for compiling levmar 2.6 on windows with visual studio 2010. we need to modify the code a bit for compilation!!! .lib files CmakeLists.txt of levmar 2.6 assumes that you put all lapack related .lib files into one directory. In Cmake G…

CLAPACK 3.2.1 with Visual Studio 2010

Memo on how to install CLAPACK 3.2.1 on windows with visual studio 2010. There are several options to build CLAPACK. At the following website, you can check and download most suitable file for your system. URL: http://www.netlib.org/clapac…

diff viewer on windows

WinMerge is the tool.

Kate: text editor by KDE

Kate is an editor for KDE environment. Even though I'm using Ubuntu, which is GNOME environment, Kate is the best editor I tried for these days. Kate has syntax highlight command auto complete window splitting embedded terminal embedded te…

SciTE: A free source code editor for Win32 and X

SciTE seems to be a good choice. Setup the SciTE by following the manual: install SciTE using Synaptic Package Manager, apt-get, or compile from source. change Global settings Edit /usr/share/scite/SciTEGlobal.properties ( can edit on SciT…

POV-Ray: Language directives

#include loads .inc files that describe any data used in .pov files as: #include "file.inc" #declare and #local declares identifiers. Identifiers include vector, object, *_map, etc. For scalar, vector, and color, don't forget put ; at the …

XPE: neXtgen Povray Editor

XPE (neXtgen Pov-ray Editor) is an editor for POV-Ray based on wxWidgets library. Here's the quick commands list for XPE installation. sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.8-dev libwxgtk2.8 tar -zxf xpe_project_v0_9_5b.tar.gz cd xpe_project/ ./c…

PovClipse: eclipse plug-in for POR-Ray

PovClipse is an eclipse plug-in for POV-Ray and MegaPOV. Since the original tutorial assumes Windows, I briefly write how to setup on Ubuntu. Edit povray.conf If rendering fails, you should add the following command in ~/.povray/3.6/povray…

POV-Ray: Editor

Contrast to POV-Ray on Windows, POV-Ray on Linux does not contain GUI*. Just for editing, any editor is fine, however, we'd also like render images while editing. In such sense, we prefer editor with rendering function. There exist several…

POV-Ray: install 3.6.1 plus Clemens Rabe's patch

For rendering lens distorted images, I installed POV-Ray 3.6.1 and then apply the patch provided by Clemens Rabe. building environment sudo apt-get install build-essentials supporting libraries The following supporting libraries are needed…

MatLab Toolbox for Camera Calibration and Simulation

I found a cool toolbox!! I tried the basic functions for synthesize images with different parameters. It runs faster than my MatLab code! I'll dive into the code for more detail, especially how to apply intrinsic/extrinsic parameters and l…

Pov-Ray: lens distortion effect

I mentioned rendering images with lens distortion effect. It could be possible Clemens Rabe's patch. However, I'm giving up it because I couldn't compile povray under windows... One solution is install linux on virtual PC and apply the pat…

Visual Studio 2010: switch development environment

How to switch development environment from/to C++ to/from C# is Tools->Import and Export Settings ... Choose a radio button "Import selected environment settings" and click Next Choose either save current settings or not (yes is better) an…

Install: Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0

Download setup.exe and execute it. If the installation is successfully finished, template of XNA Game Studio 4.0 is added in the list of Visual Studio.

CG: add/remove lens distortion

I'm considering making a multiple cameras calibration dataset with CG modeler/renderer. Functions I want are easy to add/remove cameras, easy to check rendering result, good lens distortion effect. First candidate is Blender. Blender satis…

run a batch file recursively

run a batch file recursively: set nameDir=%CD% :: run the following code recursively for /r /d %%d in (*) do ( :: go to a next directory cd %%d :: run batch file call test.bat :: go back to nameDir cd nameDir ) %%d: each directory name nam…

access row/column of 2 dimensional cell array

See here. C = { ... rand(100,2) rand(150,2) rand(130,2) rand(50,2); ... rand(110,2) rand(120,2) rand(310,2) rand(10,2); ... rand(130,2) rand(115,2) rand(110,2) rand(40,2); ... }; C = [100x2 double] [150x2 double] [130x2 double] [50x2 doubl…

update MatLab graph/plot in real time

pause function works well to call graph/plot in a loop. Suppose, you want to show a sequence of images in a for loop. If processes in a loop is not heavy, imshow() only shows image after the loop has executed. The code spends enough time t…