I am Charmie



enable OpenCV-Python compilation with OpenCV 3.2.0

With default CMakeLists.txt, we cannot compile OpenCV-Python with OpenCV 3.2.0 because 1. add_subdirectory() for python2 do not work appropriately 2. add_subdirectory() for python3 do not work appropriately 3. CMakeLists.txt in the root di…

Visual Studio 2015 with CMake

right after you installed visual studio 2015, CMake cannot find C and C++ compiler of it because Visual Studio 2015 installer didn't install any compiler. Although I have no ideas this is due to default or my install setting, I found the s…

install python non-negative matrix factorization module nimfa on anaconda

conda install -c cdeepakroy nimfa

Leap Motion SDK for Anaconda on Windows

Let ANACONDA_ROOT_DIR denote the root directory of Anaconda, C:\Anaconda2 in my case. copy Leap.py to ANACONDA_ROOT_DIR\Lib copy Leap.dll, LeapPython.pyd, msvcp120.dll, msvcr120.dll to ANACONDA_ROOT_DIR\DLLs

PyQtGraph on Ubuntu

installed PyQtGraph on anaconda running on Ubuntu 14.04 conda install pyopengl conda install pyqtgraph

Leap Motion SDK on Linux

See the REAEME file. sudo dpkg --install Leap-*-x64.deb sudo cp ./LeapSDK/lib/x64/* /usr/lib/ sudo cp ./LeapSDK/include/* /usr/include/ For anaconda, sudo cp ./LeapSDK/lib/x64/* ANACONDA_ROOT_DIR/lib/python2.7/site-packages/

Python: tuple of size 1

We can make a tuple of size 1 as tuple_a = (a, )

OpenCV Python flags

OpenCV flags have a little bit different names when using with python. The name CV_FLAGNAME is set as cv2.FLAGNAME. For instance, CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH is defined as cv2.CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH.

spyder crashes with pyqt

spyder installed in my Windows 10 PC failed to boot after update conda --all. The error cause is a kind of conflict between pyqt and pyside. A solution I found on the web is here and it worked on my case. The solution is re-install pyqt ve…

Anaconda: pydicom 1.0.0a on Windows 10

To install pydicom 1.0.0a to Anaconda on Windows 10, we should build the package by ourselves. git clone https://github.com/darcymason/pydicom.git cd pydicom python setup.py install Install with conda cloud installs the version 0.9.9. The …