I am Charmie



Pov-Ray 3.7 installation on Ubuntu 14.04

download from the github repository and then follow the instruction. [code lang="bash"] git clone https://github.com/POV-Ray/povray.git cd povray cd unix ./prebuild.sh cd .. ./configure COMPILED_BY="your name <email@address>" make ma…

ImageMagick align images

[code lang="bash"] convert 0000.png -background "#ffffff" -gravity south -splice 0x32 blank0000.png convert -pointsize 24 -gravity south -annotate 0 "0" -fill red blank0000.png text0000.png montage text0000.png text0001.png text0002.png te…

directional statistics

directional statistics on wikipedia Essentials of Paleomagnetism

Open-Source Chinese and Japanese Handwriting Recognition

Tegaki is an Open-Source Chinese and Japanese Handwriting Recognition

Python: install scikit-tensor

scikit-tensor package [code lang="bash"] pip install scikit-tensor [/code]