I am Charmie



mlpack: GMM fitting

mlpack::gmm::Estimate() estimates the probability distribution directly from the given observations, using the given algorithm in the FittingType class to fit the data. The fitting will be performed 'trials' times; from these trials, the m…

mlpack: create Gaussian Mixture Model

mlpack::gmm::GMM creates a Gaussian Mixture Model with different constructors. Create an empty Gaussian Mixture Model, with zero gaussians. [sourcecode language="cpp"] template<typename FittingType = EMFit<>> mlpack::gmm::GMM< FittingType >::GMM() [/sourcecode] Create a</typename>…

mlpack: how to compute Gaussian probability density function

mlpack::gmm::phi() computes univariate/multivariate Gaussian probability density functions. probability of a univariate Gaussian. [sourcecode language="cpp"] double mlpack::gmm::phi( const double x, // Observation. const double mean, // Me…

mlpack installation on Ubuntu 12.04

mlpack is a C++ machine learning library, which is developed by the fundamental algorithmic and statistical tools laboratory (FASTLab) at Georgia Tech. Machine learning methods implemented in mlpack are following: Density Estimation Trees …

Seamonkey install on Ubuntu

It requires 4 commands to install seamonkey on Ubuntu 12.04. echo -e "deb http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt all main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntuzilla.list > /dev/nullsudo apt-key adv --recv-…

TeXStudio installation on Ubuntu

TeXstudio is a cross-platform LaTeX editing environment that is based on TeXMaker. The installation is very simple, using .deb file. sudo apt-get install libpoppler-qt4-3 sudo dpkg -i texstudio_2.6.6_amd64.deb

Ubuntu 12.04 installation on laptop

This is a small not about Ubuntu installation problem when I installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop with NVidia graphic board. The problem is that display does not show anything after Ubuntu installation from USB disk. Since I heard Ubuntu bo…

Solver in Ceres Solver

Ceres Solver divides non-linear optimization algorithms into two major categories [1]: Trust region methods first choose a step size and then a step direction. Line search methods first choose a step direction and then a step size. This po…

CMake: how to get the name of parent directory

I have been looking for how to get the name of parent directory of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR and could find the answer today. The solution is to use get_filename_component() function with "PATH" argument. Let's say CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is "/code/testCm…

RabbitVCS: GUI for version control on Ubuntu

RabbitVCS is a GUI tool running on Ubuntu for version control systems such as subversion and Git. RabbitVCS is primarily inspired by TortoiseSVN. ScreenshotsInstruction for installation


ceres-solver is non-linear least squares problems solver, which contains dense QR and Cholesky factorization for small problems using Eigensparse Cholesky factorization for large sparse problems using SuiteSparse and CXSparsespecialized so…

SuiteSparse library

SuiteSparse contains several packages for sparse non-linear least square systems. As README.txt says, some packages optionally use metis 4.0.1. To use metis, we need to put uncompressed metis directory metis-4.0 in the same directory conta…

SunFlower: a file manager on ubuntu

sunflower is a good file manager. It has 2 windows and enables tab browsing. The greatest point contrast to double commander is that we can open files by drag & drop files from sunflower to another software.

TeXLive fonts

First tex compilation results a lot of fonts error right after I set-up latex environment on my ubuntu PC using TeX Live. The solution is very easy, I need to install some fonts information by running the following command. sudo apt-get in…

ubuntu command renaming files in a directory

The following command replace the string STR1 with STR2 of every file that is *STR1.rename s/'STR1'/'STR2'/ *STR1 To change file extension .txt to .log, rename s/'.txt'/'.log'/ *.txt

install Magick++ on ubuntu

sudo apt-get install libmagick++-dev libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev perlmagick

activation of Maple installation on Ubuntu

This post is for activation of Maple installation on Ubuntu. When I tried to activate Maple installation on Ubuntu, I couldn't activate it. Although I re-run the activation script "SOMEWHERE/maple16/bin/activation", I got the message windo…

install mlpack 1.0.1-1 on ubuntu by package manager

mlpack version can be installable with this unofficial ppa. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sterling/mlpacksudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install libmlpack-dev libmlpack1 mlpack-bin mlpack-doc

install boost 1.53 on ubuntu by package manager

Official repository supports boost installation. However, its version is 1.48.0 not latest one. Fortunately, I found unofficial repository here. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apokluda/boost1.53 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libboo…

C++ library and MatLab toolbox for Active Appearance Model

this is a note about free C++ libraries and MatLab toolboxes for Active Appearance Model. C++ libraries: DeMoLib implements several AAM fitting methods. Difference from other libraries is that DeMoLib provides several AAM fitting methods s…

compile ITK with GDCM

compilation ITK 4.4.2 with GDCM cannot be completed due to small bug, which is very easy to fix. The problem is that duplicate symbol error to openjpeg library is detected.Following the discussion here, a cmake file causes the problem. A p…

debug with Qt Creator + CMake

use the following arguments:-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

unix command: tee

tee command is used to save output of a program shown on a terminal. For example, the following command saves result of ls command as a file text.txt ls | tee test.txt To save error output, add the following option: make 2>&1 | tee make.log


cmake: command line interface.ccmake: terminal GUI available on unix-like systems.cmake-gui: Qt-based GUI.

Medical image modalities

Anatomic information: Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), UltraSound (US), and X-rayFunctional information: Position Emission Tomography (PET) and Single Photon Emission CT (SPECT)

LaTeX package flushend

flushend package balances the end of two columns articles.The CTAN site says that LaTeX's built-in two-col­umn code fin­ishes off a doc­u­ment ex­actly where the text stops; this will typ­i­cally leave an iso­lated left-hand col­umn, or a …

LaTeX package todonotes

todonotes package provides functions mentioning any todos with visualization such as small comments on todo, missing figures, and also a list of todos like list of figures. The following picture is a sample showing how todonotes package wo…

ECCV 2012 tutorial on "Modern features: advances, applications, and software"

It's nice to see slides of ECCV 2012 tutorial on "Modern features: advances, applications, and software." The website has links to slides used in the tutorial. Slideshare users can download their slides from slideshare [1-5].[1] http://www…

Japan CV Day 2013: フリーディスカッション

Japan CV Dayを7月28日(日)に開催しました.フリーディスカッションのグループ9で行ったディスカッションの内容を簡単にまとめます.ディスカッションで話した内容はあくまでも参加者個人の意見を反映しているもの…という点を理解した上で楽しんでいただけれ…

R on Ubuntu

R installation on Ubuntu from terminal: $ sudo apt-get install r-base$ sudo apt-get install r-cran*