I am Charmie



ICP algorithm

a list of material explaining ICP algorithm: simple and easy-to-understand explanation on both ICP and its variants blog post explaining each step of the ICP algorithm (in Japanese) (1の内容を簡潔にまとめたブログ記事) Robust Registration o…

TensorFlow installation using Anaconda on Ubuntu

TensorFlow, python package of deep learning, is installable via Anaconda. See the stackoverflow discussion. [code lang="bash"] conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/jjhelmus tensorflow [/code]

Sublime Text 3 using Japanese

[code lang="bash"] install ibus-mozc sudo apt-get install -y ibus-mozc reboot ibus ibus-daemon -drx ibus-setup install ibus-mozc sudo apt-get install -y emacs-mozc [/code] Run sublime text 3 and menu->View->Show Console [code lang="bash"] …

OpenCV-Python Tutorials (ver 3.0.0)の和訳

研究室の学生のためにOpenCV-Python Tutorialsの和訳を試みる.githubでチュートリアルのソース1式が公開されているので,このファイルを翻訳→内部ネットワークに公開という手順でいこう.

python 2.7 + OpenCV 3.0.0 on Ubuntu using Anaconda

install anaconda install python packages download OpenCV 3.0.0 source compile OpenCV 3.0.0 with BUILD_opencv_python2 ON (BUILD_opencv_python3 may work with python 3 but I didn't try yet) With default settings, OpenCV package for python 2 i…