I am Charmie



Spyder reset

spyder --reset [code lang='bash'] Reset Spyder settings to defaults removing: C:\Users\oyamada.AR-DUNE-1.spyder-py3\spyder.ini removing: C:\Users\oyamada.AR-DUNE-1.spyder-py3\history_internal.py removing: C:\Users\oyamada.AR-DUNE-1.spyder-…

Spyder: QOpenGL related error

See spyder's issue. For my case, installing PyOpenGL fixed the error as conda install pyopengl

Matplotlib animation with spyder

A solution enabling spyder to show matplotlib animation is to change the settings Tools > Preferences > IPython console > Graphics > Backend from "Inline" to "Automatic" and then push apply button.

spyder crashes with pyqt

spyder installed in my Windows 10 PC failed to boot after update conda --all. The error cause is a kind of conflict between pyqt and pyside. A solution I found on the web is here and it worked on my case. The solution is re-install pyqt ve…