I am Charmie



日本人の9割が知らない英語の常識181 (ちくま新書)

日本人の9割が知らない英語の常識181 (ちくま新書) キャサリン・A・クラフト筑摩書房 この本もためになった. 内容: 本書は、日本人の9割が知らないと思われる「英語の常識」について考察したものです。現代日本には英語があふれていますが、英語のネイティ…


その英語,ネイティブにはこう聞こえますデイビッド・セイン主婦の友社 英語の陥りがちな罠というか犯しがちなミスをまとめた本.感覚が分からないので大変参考になった.と言っても,既に大半の内容を忘れていると思うので,何回も読み返したりドラマ見て学…

C# on Linux

To enjoy .NET program on Linux, let's follow the official tutorial.The following information is for Ubuntu 16.04 but the tutorial itself contains information for other versions and OSs. Step 1 install dependencies[code lang='bash']wget -q …

FLIR camera on Linux

This post describes how to use a FLIR camera on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04). Step 0 RTFMAs the camera package says, let's read the Getting Started Manual (GSM).As soon as you read the manual, you can see the manual is not up-to-date. The followin…

FLIR camera on HTC Vive with Unity

This post has a set of links to my posts that describe how to show video stream captured by a FLIR camera on HTC Vive using Unity on Linux and Mac.Step 1 Use FLIR cameraStep 2 Show video stream from FLIR camera on HTC Vive

Leap Motion with Unity on Mac

This note describes how to setup an environment to use leap motion with unity on Mac OS X Mojave.The official information is available here. Step 1: Enable to use Leap Motion on computerWe need to install the SDK to use Leap Motion on comp…

Unity on Linux

The installer is available on unity forum. At the end of this thread, you can access the link to the installers. Download the installer (UnityHubSetup.AppImage).Make the installer executable.Run the installer. The installation works as the…

Unity on Mac

This is my note how to setup Unity on Mac OS X Mojave.Unity hub is a Unity package manager with which we can easily install multiple version of Unity and manage installed components.See the official documentation here! Go to download page …

Python: 特殊メソッド

関数名の前後に2つのアンダースコアをつけたクラス関数は特殊メソッドとして扱われる. 例: def __FUNC__(self, ...): 演算子のオーバーロードとして定義できるメソッドは以下の通り. object.__add__(self, other): object + otherobject.__sub__(self, oth…

Leap Motion with Unity on Mac

This is a memo on setup using leap motion with unity on my mac book pro mojave.I got hints from the following sites.https://uni.gas.mixh.jp/unity/mac-install.htmlhttp://kan-kikuchi.hatenablog.com/entry/VisualStudioforMachttps://qiita.com/h…

Edit Movie: rotate 180 degree while keeping video quality

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c copy -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=180 output.mp4

OpenCV-Python: video properties

[code lang='python']import cv2video = cv2.VideoCapture('input.mp4')num_frames = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))fps = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)width = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))height = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FR…