I am Charmie



Maple: for deriving objective function and jacobian function

We can generate C code of an objective function by using Maple as with(linalg); F := ...; Ffunc := unapply(convert(convert(F, vector), list), PARAMETERS); CodeGeneration[C](Ffunc, optimize); I tried the following equation $latex \frac{p_0}…

Levenberg Marquardt algorithm in C++

For start-up projects, I need a non-linear optimization C++ library, especially Levenberg Marquardt algorithm. I found two candidates: levmar and Eigen::LevenbergMarquardt. In terms of examples, levmar provides good examples homest while E…

CMake + Visual Studio on command line

If you compile source code on command prompt with CMake and Visual Studio, you should specify some options as follows: cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" . nmake -G option specifies a makefile generator.

Eigen: random value

Same as a function rand(), functions Random() and setRandom() always generate same random values. Same as rand(), we can change seed of the random values by calling srand(). srand( (unsigned)time(NULL) ); // you need to include ctime or ti…

function dlevmar_der() of levmar

int dlevmar_der( void (func)(double p, double x, int m, int n, void adata), void (jacf)(double p, double j, int m, int n, void adata), double p, double x, int m, int n, int itmax, double opts[4], double info[LM_INFO_SZ], double work, doubl…

levmar 2.6 with Visual Studio 2010

memo for compiling levmar 2.6 on windows with visual studio 2010. we need to modify the code a bit for compilation!!! .lib files CmakeLists.txt of levmar 2.6 assumes that you put all lapack related .lib files into one directory. In Cmake G…

CLAPACK 3.2.1 with Visual Studio 2010

Memo on how to install CLAPACK 3.2.1 on windows with visual studio 2010. There are several options to build CLAPACK. At the following website, you can check and download most suitable file for your system. URL: http://www.netlib.org/clapac…

diff viewer on windows

WinMerge is the tool.

Kate: text editor by KDE

Kate is an editor for KDE environment. Even though I'm using Ubuntu, which is GNOME environment, Kate is the best editor I tried for these days. Kate has syntax highlight command auto complete window splitting embedded terminal embedded te…

SciTE: A free source code editor for Win32 and X

SciTE seems to be a good choice. Setup the SciTE by following the manual: install SciTE using Synaptic Package Manager, apt-get, or compile from source. change Global settings Edit /usr/share/scite/SciTEGlobal.properties ( can edit on SciT…