I am Charmie



yolov8 with anaconda

YOLOv8をAnacondaの仮想環境で使う conda create -n yolov8 python=3.11 conda activate yolov8 mkdir yolov8 cd yolov8 git clone https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics.git cd ultralytics/ pip install -r requirements.txt pip install ultralyti…

Anaconda for all users on Linux

これ に従って /etc/prifle に以下を追記すればOK # >>> conda initialize >>> # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !! __conda_setup="$('/opt/YOUR_CONDA_DISTRIB_NAME/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)" if [ $? -…


% conda config --add channels bioconda % conda config --add channels conda-forge % conda install biopython % conda install cython seaborn pysam pyvcf simuPOP dendropy rpy2 % conda install r-essentials r-gridextra

Mac OS X crashes and goes back to login window as soon as python codes executed

I had experiences that Mac OS X crashed and goes back to login window as soon as I execute some python codes. The codes contain either matplotlib or tk visualization. The first experience was with matplotlib on spyder. I guess the crash is…

inotify_add_watch( ) failed: "No space left on device"

The solution written here worked on my PC.

Anaconda's channel priority

Summary about Anaconda's channel priority to avoid unexpected version change of some packages manage channel priority by conda config --add/--prepend/--append channels new_channel -. You can check the official information here The problem …


3行で nvidiaのドライバを削除 cuda関係のファイルを削除 再インストール 経緯 ubuntuのパッケージマネージャでupgradeをした時に,nvidiaのドライバをupgradeしてしまったっぽく,pytorchでcudaを使った処理ができなくて困った. (実は未だに)状況を完全に…

PyTorch 1.0 with CUDA 10.0 and cuDNN 7.5 on Ubuntu 18.04

This post describes how to setup PyTorch 1.0 with CUDA 10.0 and cuDNN 7.5 on Ubuntu 18.04. Step 0 uninstall CUDA 10.1 related components# uninstall PyTorchconda uninstall pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit# uninstall cuDNNsudo dpkg -r libcudn…

Kivy on Mac OS X

It's super simple with Anaconda.The official instruction says the following command is fine $ conda install kivy -c conda-forge The above command installs kivy and its components. The tutorial Pong game works on my computer.

PyTorch 1.0 on Ubuntu 18.04

The official site provides conda package with the combination of CUDA toolkit 10.0 and cuDNN 7.4. My installation is CUDA toolkit 10.1 and cuDNN 7.5.After the installation, a sample program worked, however I may need to downgrade the toolk…

Spyder reset

spyder --reset [code lang='bash'] Reset Spyder settings to defaults removing: C:\Users\oyamada.AR-DUNE-1.spyder-py3\spyder.ini removing: C:\Users\oyamada.AR-DUNE-1.spyder-py3\history_internal.py removing: C:\Users\oyamada.AR-DUNE-1.spyder-…

OpenCV-Python GUI outputs GTK related error

This stackoverflow post gives us the answer!! OpenCV for python installed on Linux (Ubuntu) by anaconda outputs GTK+2.x related error as OpenCV Error: Unspecified error (The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GT…

Install OpenCV-Python 3.4.1 via Anaconda

See here. conda install -c anaconda opencv

Anaconda: install OpenCV 3.4.1 on Windows 10

conda install ... opencv, conda install ... opencv-python ruined my environment built on Windows 10. The error seemed to related to PyQt and authentication/path setting but couldn't specify the true cause. So, instead of using anaconda bin…

Anaconda: OpenCV for Python 3.6 on Windows 10

OpenCV installation on Windows via Anaconda with conda -c conda-forge opencv makes import error like ImportError: DLL load failed: access denied. The solution is to use pip instead as pip install opencv-python.

libcudnn related error after Ubuntu apt update

I got "ImportError of libcudnn.so.6" after Ubuntu apt update although I have no idea how apt update causes the error. The solution is re-install cuDNN. Library files of cuDNN disappeared from a directory where is one of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. So…

Mesh data of 3D model: I/O and handling in Python 3

pyntcloud is a package to work with 3D point cloud in Python 3. You can install using anaconda as: pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/pypi/simple laspy pip install git+https://github.com/daavoo/pyntcloud

Keras install error with Anaconda 5.0.0 for Python 3.5.4

"pip install keras" returns the following TypeError. The solution found at StackOverflow says to 1. install html5lib by conda install --force html5lib 2. install keras by pip install keras

Keras: plot_model returns pydot and graphviz related error on Windows

plot_model of Keras installed on Windows may return pydot and graphviz related error like "Graphviz's executables are not found'. The error cause is that the computer does not know the path of Graphviz's executable exactly mentioned as the…


pytorchを使った方が良いかもしれないと思ったので,色々調査. Tensor 任意オーダーのtensorを定義する型 Tutorialではオーダーが1,2のtensor(つまり,ベクトルと行列)のみを例として扱っている NumPyのArray型と互換性を持つ Autograd Tensorのあらゆる計…

PyGTK for Python 3.5 installation on Ubuntu 16.04 with anaconda

see here conda install -c ska pygtk

Implementation: CycleGAN and Pix2pix

The implementation of CycleGAN and Pix2pix based on pytorch is published on github. Here's a todo procedure with anaconda. The CPU mode installation is under test right now... pytorch installation see the repository For a machine with GPU …

install keras + tensorflow (GPU) to Windows using anaconda

Install Tensorflow and Keras Run Anaconda Prompt Install Tensorflow # pip install tensorflow-gpu Install Keras # pip install keras (Optional) Change Keras' backend from Theano to TensorFlow This step is optional if Keras uses Theano as its…

upgrade/downgrade python version of anaconda

Same as python packages, we can use conda install to upgrade/downgrade python version as conda install python=..* To know the available version, just type conda search ppthon

install pre-built dlib for python

following this page, we can install dlib pre-built library for python on all platform. conda install -c conda-forge dlib When I tried, the library had a conflict with CGAL 4.7. I simply uninstalled CGAL and then successfully installed dlib…

Megaman: Scalable Manifold Learning in Python

megaman is a python module for scalable manifold learning. So far, anaconda does not provide its binary for windows.

install graphillion into anaconda

following the guidance, you should type conda install -c auto graphillion

install python non-negative matrix factorization module nimfa on anaconda

conda install -c cdeepakroy nimfa

Leap Motion SDK for Anaconda on Windows

Let ANACONDA_ROOT_DIR denote the root directory of Anaconda, C:\Anaconda2 in my case. copy Leap.py to ANACONDA_ROOT_DIR\Lib copy Leap.dll, LeapPython.pyd, msvcp120.dll, msvcr120.dll to ANACONDA_ROOT_DIR\DLLs

PyQtGraph on Ubuntu

installed PyQtGraph on anaconda running on Ubuntu 14.04 conda install pyopengl conda install pyqtgraph