I am Charmie



Keras: MNIST classification

Keras implementation for MNIST classification with batch normalization and leaky ReLU. [code lang="python"] import numpy as np import time import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from keras.datasets import mnist from keras.mode…

Keras: error at the beginning of fit with Dropout

When Keras' model contains Dropout component in it, we must tell the model whether we are training or test mode because the network behaves differently. The solution is mentioned in github issue and Keras docs. [code lang="python"] from ke…

Keras: plot_model returns pydot and graphviz related error on Windows

plot_model of Keras installed on Windows may return pydot and graphviz related error like "Graphviz's executables are not found'. The error cause is that the computer does not know the path of Graphviz's executable exactly mentioned as the…