I am Charmie


leap motion

Leap Motion with Unity on Mac

This note describes how to setup an environment to use leap motion with unity on Mac OS X Mojave.The official information is available here. Step 1: Enable to use Leap Motion on computerWe need to install the SDK to use Leap Motion on comp…

Leap Motion with Unity on Mac

This is a memo on setup using leap motion with unity on my mac book pro mojave.I got hints from the following sites.https://uni.gas.mixh.jp/unity/mac-install.htmlhttp://kan-kikuchi.hatenablog.com/entry/VisualStudioforMachttps://qiita.com/h…

Leap Motion SDK installation on Ubuntu 16.04

If Leap Motion SDK installation failed with dpkg command, the site gives you the answer. Before running sudo dpkg --install Leap-*-x64.deb, we should first make a file /lib/systemd/system/leapd.service with the following contents. Otherwis…

Leap Motion SDK for Anaconda on Windows

Let ANACONDA_ROOT_DIR denote the root directory of Anaconda, C:\Anaconda2 in my case. copy Leap.py to ANACONDA_ROOT_DIR\Lib copy Leap.dll, LeapPython.pyd, msvcp120.dll, msvcr120.dll to ANACONDA_ROOT_DIR\DLLs

Leap Motion SDK on Linux

See the REAEME file. sudo dpkg --install Leap-*-x64.deb sudo cp ./LeapSDK/lib/x64/* /usr/lib/ sudo cp ./LeapSDK/include/* /usr/include/ For anaconda, sudo cp ./LeapSDK/lib/x64/* ANACONDA_ROOT_DIR/lib/python2.7/site-packages/