I am Charmie



mlpack compilation error related to LAPACK

mlpack compilation fails when LAPACK is not found by cmake. One solutions is to enable mlpack's CMakeLists.txt to find LAPACK. Namely, the solution is to add FindLAPACK.cmake in the directory mlpack-1.0.9/CMake so that cmake can find LAPAC…

mlpack: K GMMs fitting by EM algorithm using K-1 GMMs fitting result

[code lang="cpp"] include <time.h> include <mlpack/core.hpp> include <mlpack/methods/kmeans/kmeans.hpp> include <mlpack/methods/kmeans/allow_empty_clusters.hpp> include <mlpack/methods/kmeans/refined_start.hpp> include <mlpack/methods/kmeans/max_variance_new_cluster.hpp> include </mlpack/methods/kmeans/max_variance_new_cluster.hpp></mlpack/methods/kmeans/refined_start.hpp></mlpack/methods/kmeans/allow_empty_clusters.hpp></mlpack/methods/kmeans/kmeans.hpp></mlpack/core.hpp></time.h>

MLPack: generate random data from GMM

[code lang="cpp"] int numGauss = 3; int numDim = 3; int numObs = 1000; mlpack::gmm::GMM<> gmm(numGauss,numDim); arma::mat covar(numDim, numDim); gmm.Weights() = GenerateWeight(numGauss, 1.0/*1; // set j-th gmm's mean and covariance for(int…

mlpack: GMM fitting

mlpack::gmm::Estimate() estimates the probability distribution directly from the given observations, using the given algorithm in the FittingType class to fit the data. The fitting will be performed 'trials' times; from these trials, the m…

mlpack: create Gaussian Mixture Model

mlpack::gmm::GMM creates a Gaussian Mixture Model with different constructors. Create an empty Gaussian Mixture Model, with zero gaussians. [sourcecode language="cpp"] template<typename FittingType = EMFit<>> mlpack::gmm::GMM< FittingType >::GMM() [/sourcecode] Create a</typename>…

mlpack: how to compute Gaussian probability density function

mlpack::gmm::phi() computes univariate/multivariate Gaussian probability density functions. probability of a univariate Gaussian. [sourcecode language="cpp"] double mlpack::gmm::phi( const double x, // Observation. const double mean, // Me…

mlpack installation on Ubuntu 12.04

mlpack is a C++ machine learning library, which is developed by the fundamental algorithmic and statistical tools laboratory (FASTLab) at Georgia Tech. Machine learning methods implemented in mlpack are following: Density Estimation Trees …

install mlpack 1.0.1-1 on ubuntu by package manager

mlpack version can be installable with this unofficial ppa. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sterling/mlpacksudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install libmlpack-dev libmlpack1 mlpack-bin mlpack-doc