If you want to number the lines, just add [1] option as \begin{algorithmic}[1] ... \end{algorithmic}
With a package algorithms, you can write algorithm in LaTeX. README file says that The "algorithms" bundle provides two environments, "algorithmic" and "algorithm", which are designed to be used together but may be used separately. The "al…
To write number sets such as real numbers ($latex \mathbb{R}$), we need to use additional package either amssymb or amsfonts. In preamble, just type \usepackage{amssymb} or \usepackage{amsfonts}. Then, we can use the command mathbb like \m…
Suppose we observe a signal $latex x$. With a dictionary $latex D$, the signal $latex x$ is represented by a linear equation as $latex x = D\alpha$. Given the observed signal, our goal is to find the coefficients $latex \alpha$. Assuming $…
Visual Studio 2010 + OpenGL(GLSL)のセットアップ. 以下で{VC Root}は 32bit C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10\VC 64bit C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A を表すものとする. GLUTのインストール GLUT(OpenGL Utility To…