I am Charmie



Bouguet's MatLab Camera Calibration Toolbox

I wrote the detail of implementation of MatLab Camera Calibration Toolbox, which was published by Bouguet for my students. You can check the notes for single camera calibration and stereo camera calibration

some notes on theory in computer vision

I put links to notes on theories in computer vision on my website. You can use them free for education and research purpose. It'd be great if you acknowledged me with small description when you use these materials.

Install ImageMagick on Ubuntu from source

Simple steps. Download a package. Extract the package tar xvfz ImageMagick.tar.gz Go into the directory containing the files cd ImageMagick-6.X.X-X Configure ./configure Build make Install sud make install

Single camera calibration based on random dots marker tracking algorithm

I've uploaded video on youtube about our calibration method. For the detail of the method, you can visit here. [youtube=http://youtu.be/s1FxwtmpGHg]


If you want to know the Anmeldung information in English, please contact me!! ミュンヘン(ドイツ)でのAnmeldung(居住地登録)について書こうと思う.ドイツは州か都市毎にAnmeldungの書類書式が違うそう.なので,他の都市でAnmeldungを提出する人はあく…