I am Charmie



Pov-Ray 3.7 installation on Ubuntu 14.04

download from the github repository and then follow the instruction. [code lang="bash"] git clone https://github.com/POV-Ray/povray.git cd povray cd unix ./prebuild.sh cd .. ./configure COMPILED_BY="your name <email@address>" make ma…

Kate: text editor by KDE

Kate is an editor for KDE environment. Even though I'm using Ubuntu, which is GNOME environment, Kate is the best editor I tried for these days. Kate has syntax highlight command auto complete window splitting embedded terminal embedded te…

SciTE: A free source code editor for Win32 and X

SciTE seems to be a good choice. Setup the SciTE by following the manual: install SciTE using Synaptic Package Manager, apt-get, or compile from source. change Global settings Edit /usr/share/scite/SciTEGlobal.properties ( can edit on SciT…

POV-Ray: Language directives

#include loads .inc files that describe any data used in .pov files as: #include "file.inc" #declare and #local declares identifiers. Identifiers include vector, object, *_map, etc. For scalar, vector, and color, don't forget put ; at the …

XPE: neXtgen Povray Editor

XPE (neXtgen Pov-ray Editor) is an editor for POV-Ray based on wxWidgets library. Here's the quick commands list for XPE installation. sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.8-dev libwxgtk2.8 tar -zxf xpe_project_v0_9_5b.tar.gz cd xpe_project/ ./c…

PovClipse: eclipse plug-in for POR-Ray

PovClipse is an eclipse plug-in for POV-Ray and MegaPOV. Since the original tutorial assumes Windows, I briefly write how to setup on Ubuntu. Edit povray.conf If rendering fails, you should add the following command in ~/.povray/3.6/povray…

POV-Ray: Editor

Contrast to POV-Ray on Windows, POV-Ray on Linux does not contain GUI*. Just for editing, any editor is fine, however, we'd also like render images while editing. In such sense, we prefer editor with rendering function. There exist several…

POV-Ray: install 3.6.1 plus Clemens Rabe's patch

For rendering lens distorted images, I installed POV-Ray 3.6.1 and then apply the patch provided by Clemens Rabe. building environment sudo apt-get install build-essentials supporting libraries The following supporting libraries are needed…

Pov-Ray: lens distortion effect

I mentioned rendering images with lens distortion effect. It could be possible Clemens Rabe's patch. However, I'm giving up it because I couldn't compile povray under windows... One solution is install linux on virtual PC and apply the pat…


povrayのmesh2関数ではまった。mesh2は三角メッシュを生成する関数。三角メッシュは、ようは小さい三角形の平面の集合。mesh2{ vertex_verctors{N , , ... } face_indices{M , , ... }}vertex_vectorsでN個の頂点を宣言。face_indicesでM個のパッチを宣言す…


環境マッピング。Image based lightingとも言うらしい。簡単に言うと、ある空間全体を画像として球や箱にテクスチャマッピングをする。その内側にcameraやらシーンを置いてレンダリングすると、前述した球や箱が光源であるかのようにレンダリングされる。任…



POVRAY: 同一形状をした複数オブジェクトのレンダリング

declare宣言を使うと楽に出来る。#declare宣言は、プログラミング言語として考えると、変数宣言をするような感覚だと思う。例えば#declare MyObj = box{}と宣言すると、定義したboxオブジェクトを、これ以降MyObjという名前で表せる事になる。何が良いかとい…

POVRAY: unionの書式

union{ object1 object2 ....}objectにはbox{}やsphere{}のようなobjectを入れればいいわけだけど、objectが既に定義されているものである時、以下のように表記する。union{ object{ object1} box{} object{object3} ....}これにはまった。。。

POVRAY: オブジェクトの合成



研究で合成画像を作成する必要が生じた.既知の3次元形状のオブジェクトのレンダリングとアウトプットした画像の各画素でのdepthを知りたい.学会でよく見るThe Stanford 3D Repositoryのデータのレンダリングを使ってやりたい事を同僚に相談.教えてもらっ…