I am Charmie



LaTeX: xbb not found

.xbb file contains the boundingbox information of its corresponding file. When LaTeX returns an error message "XXX.xbb" not found, we should generate .xbb file by executing the following command: extractbb XXX.pdf

Python: update a script .py file after edit

[code lang="python"] import hoge edit the hoge.py reload(hoge) [/code] You might have an experience that iPython/Anaconda seems to ignore your update on a script file. No matter how many times you edited and saved, iPython/Anaconda returns…

Python: load a list of file names in a directory

There are two functions, os.listdir and glob.glob, for the purpose. os.listdir loads all the filenames in the specified directory. [code lang="python"] import os filelist = os.listdir('dirName/') [/code] glob.glob loads all the filenames i…

Python: mean of a matrix along a specified axis

[code lang="python"] import numpy generate a 10x3 matrix with random values M = numpy.random.random*1 mean along row resulting a 3x1 vector meanRow = M.mean(axis=0) mean along column resulting a 10x1 vector meanCol = M.mean(axis=1) [/code]…