I am Charmie



sort app of LaunchPad on Mac OSX


defaults write com.apple.dock ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock

LibreOfficeのアップデート (Ubuntu 18.04)

自動でアップデートしてくれなかったので手動アップデート 以下のコマンド 1. 公式サイトから最新版(tar.gz)をダウンロード 1. ダウンロードしたファイルを解凍 1. DEBSディレクトリで以下のコマンドを実行して既存のバージョンをアンインストールしてから最…

libndi related error

After installing obs-ndi, apt upgrade returns the following error message. /sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/libndi.so.4 is not a symbolic link The following command proves that the file is not a symbolic link. % cd /usr/lib % ls -l | grep lib…

matplotlib bar and barh with hatch

plot of bar or barh with hatch, that adds pattern to bars, does not work with savefig as pdf. The result pdf lacks some bars without hatch patterns. To fix this, a simple solution is render with alpha=some value. The following stackoverflo…

box selection / column selection in PyCharm

step 1: enable box selection Ctrl + Shift + A shows FindAction window type column lists column related actions the top in the list is Column Selection Mode that is assigned Alt + Shift + Insert step 2: use box selection turn on box selecti…

installation management for JetBrain software

JetBrain provides an installation management software called Toolbox App. Simple but efficient management is aveilable!! uninstall installed PyCharm and CLion # uninstall PyCharm sudo snap remove pycharm-community rm -rf ~/.java/.userPrefs…