I am Charmie



Control HTC Vive with C++

will add as soon as I tested those libraries. C++ libraries for HMDs OpenVR OpenXR OpenHMD C++ libraries for graphics Ogre3d

OvrVisionPro with HTC Vive

タイトル通り,前ポストで散々けなしたOvrvision Proの映像をHTC Viveで閲覧した. 簡単.感動.Unity恐るべし!!Viva Ovrvision Pro!! バージョン 以下のバージョンで成功 Unity Ovrvision SDK SteamVR 2018.3.7f1 1.90 1.3.23 2019.1.3 1.90 ? 事前準備 以…

HTC Vive setup

Running ViveSetup.exe, the computer takes 5 steps for Vive installation. Step 1: Software1. installs something, this could be Vive drivers and some SDK I guess,2. asks to create an HTC account,3. installs STEAM,4. asks to create a STEAM ac…

FLIR camera on HTC Vive with Unity

This post has a set of links to my posts that describe how to show video stream captured by a FLIR camera on HTC Vive using Unity on Linux and Mac.Step 1 Use FLIR cameraStep 2 Show video stream from FLIR camera on HTC Vive