I am Charmie



Install libDAI on Ubuntu

libDAI for OpenGM. The latest version, which contains CMakeLists.txt, is available on github. The following commands are for older versions. sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev cimg-dev wget http://cs.ru.nl/~jorism/libDAI/libDAI-0.3.1.tar.gz t…

PdfMod on Ubuntu

PdfMod is an application for modifying PDF. I used it to remove pages but we can re-order, rotate, etc.

Imagemagick on ubuntu

install imagemagick sudo apt-get install imagemagick install pdfimages sudo apt-get install poppler-utils

Ubuntu setup: development environment

packages for building c/c++ sudo apt-get -yV install build-essential 2.packages for editor We can use favorite packages or IDEs. The reason why I use Kate is here. sudo apt-get -yV install kate konsole packages for CMake sudo apt-get -yV i…