Function im2col formats image blocks to columns and col2im does the inverse operation. When you independently apply some operation on each image patches and then merge the patches, these functions are useful. The code is like img = im2doub…
levmarのコンパイルには2つのステップが必要: LAPACKのインストールとlevmarのコンパイル.LAPACKではなくCLAPACKを使ってlevmarを使ってみる(LAPACKを自前でセットアップするにはfortranのコンパイラやら何やらが必要みたいだけど,調べてて頭が痛くなって…
levmar compilation requires two steps: LAPACK installation and levmar compilation. Here, I use CLAPACK instead of LAPACK for ease of setup but any types of CLAPACK might be fine. CLAPACK installation There are several options to build CLAP…
A = randn(m, n); % for columns A = A ./ repmat(sqrt(sum(A.^2, 1)),m,1); % for rows A = A ./ repmat(sqrt(sum(A.^2, 2)),1,n);