I am Charmie



mlpack: GMM fitting

mlpack::gmm::Estimate() estimates the probability distribution directly from the given observations, using the given algorithm in the FittingType class to fit the data. The fitting will be performed 'trials' times; from these trials, the m…

mlpack: create Gaussian Mixture Model

mlpack::gmm::GMM creates a Gaussian Mixture Model with different constructors. Create an empty Gaussian Mixture Model, with zero gaussians. [sourcecode language="cpp"] template<typename FittingType = EMFit<>> mlpack::gmm::GMM< FittingType >::GMM() [/sourcecode] Create a</typename>…

mlpack: how to compute Gaussian probability density function

mlpack::gmm::phi() computes univariate/multivariate Gaussian probability density functions. probability of a univariate Gaussian. [sourcecode language="cpp"] double mlpack::gmm::phi( const double x, // Observation. const double mean, // Me…

mlpack installation on Ubuntu 12.04

mlpack is a C++ machine learning library, which is developed by the fundamental algorithmic and statistical tools laboratory (FASTLab) at Georgia Tech. Machine learning methods implemented in mlpack are following: Density Estimation Trees …

Seamonkey install on Ubuntu

It requires 4 commands to install seamonkey on Ubuntu 12.04. echo -e "deb http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ubuntuzilla/mozilla/apt all main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntuzilla.list > /dev/nullsudo apt-key adv --recv-…

TeXStudio installation on Ubuntu

TeXstudio is a cross-platform LaTeX editing environment that is based on TeXMaker. The installation is very simple, using .deb file. sudo apt-get install libpoppler-qt4-3 sudo dpkg -i texstudio_2.6.6_amd64.deb

Ubuntu 12.04 installation on laptop

This is a small not about Ubuntu installation problem when I installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop with NVidia graphic board. The problem is that display does not show anything after Ubuntu installation from USB disk. Since I heard Ubuntu bo…

Solver in Ceres Solver

Ceres Solver divides non-linear optimization algorithms into two major categories [1]: Trust region methods first choose a step size and then a step direction. Line search methods first choose a step direction and then a step size. This po…

CMake: how to get the name of parent directory

I have been looking for how to get the name of parent directory of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR and could find the answer today. The solution is to use get_filename_component() function with "PATH" argument. Let's say CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is "/code/testCm…

RabbitVCS: GUI for version control on Ubuntu

RabbitVCS is a GUI tool running on Ubuntu for version control systems such as subversion and Git. RabbitVCS is primarily inspired by TortoiseSVN. ScreenshotsInstruction for installation