I am Charmie


mlpack: GMM fitting

mlpack::gmm::Estimate() estimates the probability distribution directly from the given observations, using the given algorithm in the FittingType class to fit the data. The fitting will be performed 'trials' times; from these trials, the model with the greatest log-likelihood will be selected. By default, only one trial is performed. The log-likelihood of the best fitting is returned.

[sourcecode language="cpp"] template<typename FittingType = EMFit<>> double mlpack::gmm::GMM< FittingType >::Estimate( const arma::mat & observations, // Observations of the model. const size_t trials = 1, // Number of trials to perform; the model in these trials with the greatest log-likelihood will be selected. const bool useExistingModel = false // If true, the existing model is used as an initial model for the estimation.
) [/sourcecode]

taking into account the probability of each observation actually being from this distribution [sourcecode language="cpp"] template<typename FittingType = EMFit<>> double mlpack::gmm::GMM< FittingType >::Estimate( const arma::mat & observations, // Observations of the model. const arma::vec & probabilities, // Probability of each observation being from this distribution. const size_t trials = 1, // Number of trials to perform; the model in these trials with the greatest log-likelihood will be selected. const bool useExistingModel = false // If true, the existing model is used as an initial model for the estimation.