I am Charmie



CMakeLists.txt working with CodeSynthesis XSD

I made a repository that uses CodeSynthesis XSD with CMake. The CMakeLists.txt calls XSD and generates C++ classes so that we can avoid calling XSD from terminal, meaning the compilation is fully automatic. The CMakeLists.txt does find nec…

CodeSynthesis XSD: how to use

Calling the executable of CodeSynthesis XSD from terminal, we will obtain a set of test.hxx and test.cxx files given an XSD file test.xsd. [sourcecode language="bash"] xsd cxx-tree --generate-doxygen test.xsd doxygen -g test.doxygen doxyge…

CodeSynthesis XSD: CMake

Following the wiki, we should be able to use CodeSynthesis XSD with CMake. What the FindXSD.cmake does is that call the executable of CodeSynthesis XSD and give an .xsd file, say test.xsd, the executable. pre-defined function generates a s…