I am Charmie



CImg: hello world

I implemented CImg hello world that loads an image, display on a CImg window, and save it. The complete code is available on my github. [code lang="cpp"] include <iostream> include <string> include <CImg.h> int main() { std::cout << "run CImg hello world..." << std</cimg.h></string></iostream>…

Blitz++: some sample code

I implemented some functions those are explained in Blitz++ documentation. The code is on my github.

Eigen: select columns with N largest norm 2

PTAM/Build/Linux/VideoSource_Linux_OpenCV.ccThis post is to measure the computation time of the previous post, in which I posted a C++ code using Eigen to select columns with N largest norm. My code is available here. Suppose we define a f…

Eigen: select columns with N largest norm

The following code selects columns with N largest norm. The output should be All data and its norm: data[0] = ( 68.0375 -21.1234) norm = 71.2412 data[1] = (56.6198 59.688) norm = 82.2707 data[2] = ( 82.3295 -60.4897) norm = 102.162 data[3]…