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PyOpenGL, PyGame関連ページ

PyOpenGLについて分かりやすく日本語で書いてあるサイト PyOpenGL利用ノート PyOpenGL Tutorial PyGameについて分かりやすく日本語で書いてあるサイト Pythonでゲーム作りますが何か? pygameドキュメント

PyOpenGL installation using Anaconda

For Windows 32bit or other OS conda install pyopengl For WIndows 64bit The above command does not install some dll files to execute glut related function. So, a solution is (1) to copy necessary dll files to one of bin directory such as C:…

PyGame installation using Anaconda

[code lang="bash"] Search the packages by executing the following command. binstar search -t conda pygame For Linux 64bit conda install -c https://conda.binstar.org/tlatorre pygame For Windows 64bit conda install -c https://conda.binstar.o…