I am Charmie


highgui related issues of OpenCV-Python on Ubuntu 14.04

OpenCV-Python always crashed when I used highgui related functions. With Spyder, we can see only kernel crash, so I had no idea what happened. When I ran a problem from terminal, I got an error message that This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb". Googling so many things, I finally found out the solution. The problem was caused by Qt. OpenCV compilation used Qt5 while Anaconda installed Qt4. So, the solution is

[code lang="bash"] conda remove qt conda remove pyqt conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/mmcauliffe pyqt5 conda install pyside conda remove qt [/code]

The reason why I remove qt twice is installing pyside that is required for Spyder installes Qt4 again. Spyder actually requires PyQt4.X or PySide. I noticed that PySide can work even with Qt5.