I am Charmie



Notes on OpenCV-Python on Ubuntu

If PYTHON2_NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIRS is not found, python bindings for python2.7 is not generated. Couldn't compile with FFMPEG=ON. Turned off the flag. BUILD_opencv_python2=ON BUILD_opencv_python3=ON OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH="CONTRIB_DIR/module…

highgui related issues of OpenCV-Python on Ubuntu 14.04

OpenCV-Python always crashed when I used highgui related functions. With Spyder, we can see only kernel crash, so I had no idea what happened. When I ran a problem from terminal, I got an error message that This application failed to start…

OpenCV 3.1.0 for Python: installation on Windows

OpenCV 3.1.0をPython 2.7から使うためのインストール手順 OpenCVのインストールはめんどくさいのでプレビルトライブラリを使う.opencv_contribの便利機能を使いたい場合は自前でコンパイルする必要がある. 前提条件: Anacondaを使ってPython2.7がインスト…