I am Charmie


setup virtual environment (Ubuntu 14.04) on Windows 10

The procedure is like

  1. install VirtualBox
  2. install Vagrant (ver. 1.8.1)
  3. setup Vagrant

You can see a list of available OS here.

The above 3rd step is executed via command prompt as follows:

[code lang="bash"]

install OS

vagrant box add ubuntu14.04 https://github.com/kraksoft/vagrant-box-ubuntu/releases/download/14.04/ubuntu-14.04-amd64.box

install guest additions of virtualbox

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest vagrant vbguest

make a directory for Vagrant setup file

mkdir myhost cd myhost

initialize (generate Vagrant file)

vagrant init ubuntu14.04

boot the virtual OS

vagrant up

login via ssh

vagrant ssh

shutdown the computer

vagrant halt [/code]

In the above code, my virtual OS is ubuntu 14.04 server and is named as ubuntu14.04. You can use any name and any OS by setting vagrant box add VIRTUAL_COMPUTER_NAME ADDRESS_OF_AVAILABLE_OS_ON_GITHUB.

To login the installed guest OS, both user name and its password is vagrant