I am Charmie



CMakeLists.txt for FLANN example

http://people.cs.ubc.ca/~mariusm/uploads/FLANN/datasets/dataset.hdf5 http://people.cs.ubc.ca/~mariusm/uploads/FLANN/datasets/dataset.dat http://people.cs.ubc.ca/~mariusm/uploads/FLANN/datasets/testset.dat [code lang="bash"] cmake_minimum_r…

FLANN installation on Ubuntu 14.04

http://www.cs.ubc.ca/research/flann/#download [code lang="bash"] sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev mkdir flann-1.8.4-build cd flann-1.8.4-build cmake ../flann-1.8.4-src make make install [/code]

CurveLab compilation on Ubuntu 14.04

Download the package from the official site. Note that the download requires user registration. Then, compile the package with the following command. make sure that FFTW was configured with ./configure --with-pic edit FFTW_DIR in makefile.…

FFTW installation

download fftw package from the official site and uncompress the file. Then, execute the following command to compile and install the package in the root directory of the uncompressed package. [code lang="bash"] ./configure make sudo make i…