I am Charmie



github: upload an empty directory

It's technically impossible to commit an empty directory to github because github only manages files. However, there exists a practical solution that stores a .gitignore file inside a directory and commit the .gitignore file so that the di…

github: delete a previous commit

suppose we would like to cancel N commits [code lang="bash"] git reset --hard HEAD~N git push origin -f [/code] ,where N is the number of revert. Note that this commands may be wrong. I'll check how git reset works and then put detailed in…

github: create a new repository

so far I cannot create a new repository from terminal... So, I first create a new repository via github web GUI. and then [code lang="bash"] git clone URL git add FILES git commit -m "MESSAGE" git push origin master [/code]

CodeSynthesis XSD installation 2

With Ubuntu package manager, we can install both CodeSynthesis XSD and Xerces-C as [code lang="bash"] sudo apt-get install libxerces-c-dev sudo apt-get install xsdcxx [/code] To generate a class, the command xsdcxx executes code synthesis …


タイトル通り桐光学園バスケットボール部OB会のホームページを作成しました.現時点で以下のコンテンツを載せていますが,今後中身の変更が行われる可能性はあります. OB会SNSへの登録OB会イベント日程桐光学園バスケ部の試合予定及び結果桐光学園バスケ部…